Monday, July 27, 2009

Once upon a time in parallel world

Once upon a time, there was a child .. and there was a mask ..

The child wasn't created like the others. He was so different, but yet so similar to everyone else around him..
From the day he was born, he knew that he wasn't like the others, and he respected that, inside his heart .but almighty God – in his kindness – never left him away by himself, to face a cruel world he hadn't yet understand.. He gave him a mask, that looked exactly like his face, and told him to wear it in front of the others, so that they won't figure out that he's that different after all..

And after all, he wasn't.. He shared everything they had.. felt everything they feel.. Acted the way they do.. But yet there were something missing..

Why don't you like football? They asked. I just prefer drawing. He answered with a big smile.
Why are you so quite? They asked. I just have nothing to be said. He answered with a smaller smile.
Why do you like reading? It sucks! They asked. I just would like to see other worlds different than ours. He answered without a smile.
Why do you always escape from reality? They asked.
Why … Why … Why?
Why don't you guys accept me as I am, as I accepted you and loved you as you are. He answered, with a deep sad look on his innocent face.

For a long period of time, he thought that he is unique. And that there's no one like him anywhere.. until he suddenly knew that, like him, there's a lot. And although that doesn't make him unique anymore.. he was happy. He felt normal, and finally piece came to his heart..

But when he tried to meet other guys like him, he thought they're all alike. And have it all in common. He thought that they'd love their God, life, people, animals, and all the living things and care about them as much as he do. But sadly for him, they weren't.

So he knew he IS unique after all.

I'll always love you my lord, I'll always love you guys no matter what. That's what he said to himself. I know there's greatness inside of you guys after all. You just don't know it yet. Your community never let you notice it. It blinds you all to see what makes a man unique.. What differs him from a woman.

I'm unique. He said. But you are too. You are unique.
Everybody is.

And then, as always, He forces a smile, take a deep breath, Get his mask out of his secret hiding place in his heart, and wears it, thanking almighty god upon his merci and his precious gift. Though he had never knew where he got it. And use it before he even knew how different he is, Despite he looks similar to the others.

And then, only then, keeps asking himself, is there any chance to remove this mask? NO.. sorry, there isn't.. ok.. Is There at least someone to share?

Yes, there is. But perhaps in another parallel world.

Lonely Aphlaton
Summer 2009